User Roles And Permissions
Each user in a Ready Five account has a role. This account-level role dictates account-wide permissions and can be one of owner, administrator, or member.
Owners can access nearly everything in an account. They can create and manage all teams, can invite, deactivate, and reactivate users, and can manage the account subscription and billing information. Only owners can make other users owners and only owners can demote other users to administrators or members.
Administrators are very similar to owners in that they can create and manage all teams and can invite, deactivate, and reactivate users, but cannot manage the account subscription or billing information. They can make other members administrators or can demote other administrators to members, but cannot change the permissions of owners.
Members are the standard users in your account. Upon logging in, they can see all teams but can only view incidents that they are participating in or incidents that are or were assigned to any of their teams. Members can be made administrators of individual teams, which allows them to control that team. They cannot adjust the permissions of other users (beyond adding them to their teams).