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Quick Start Guide

Login to your account

After signing up for a Ready Five account, you can login to your account from any web browser or from your mobile device.

Install the mobile app

To get the most out of Ready Five, we highly recommend installing the mobile app on your device(s). This allows you to receive instant, detailed push notifications to your preferred devices. Additionally, you can manage nearly everything in your account from our native apps.

If you use an iPhone or iPad, you can download the iOS app from the App Store. For Android phones and tablets, the app is available on the Google Play Store.

Invite your teammates

From the user invitations screen, you can invite others to join your account.


You can invite one user at a time by entering their email address and specifying their account level role. We'll send them an email they can use to accept and setup their account. Once they accept, you can begin adding them to teams, scheduling their shifts, and they can configure their contact methods and notification rules.

Create a team

From the teams screen, you can create your first team. Team names can be department-based, product-based, or whatever makes the most sense for your organization. Don't hesitate to contact us if you need some guidance on how to configure your teams.

When creating a team, you'll see an option to automatically configure a schedule and escalation policy on your behalf. This is a great choice particularly for your first team so you can get a feel for how the settings interact.

Create team with options

You can learn more here about creating a team.